Fixed Deposits - Orient Finance


Orient Finance offers the best rates for your fixed deposits and savings in Sri Lanka. We offer a range of deposit options to suit your requirement. Senior citizens over 60 years of age are eligible for an additional interest up to 0.5%p.a. With our attractive and competitive interest rates, you can watch your investment grow!

Benefits of Orient fixed deposits

  • Assurance from your trusted financial solutions provider
  • Incredible FD rates
  • Quick refund on maturity
  • Service to your doorstep

Eligible deposit holders are insured with Sri Lanka Deposit Insurance Scheme implemented by the Monetary Board for compensation up to a maximum of Rs. 1,100,000/=

Fixed Deposit Rates

Monthly Maturity
Period Rate AER Rate AER
01 Month 7.51% 7.77% 7.51% 7.77%
02 Months 7.27% 7.51% 7.51% 7.75%
03 Months 7.81% 8.10% 8.10% 8.35%
04 Months 7.81% 8.10% 8.10% 8.32%
05 Months 7.81% 8.10% 8.10% 8.29%
06 Months 8.46% 8.80% 8.80% 8.99%
07 Months 8.46% 8.80% 8.80% 8.96%
09 Months 8.46% 8.80% 8.80% 8.90%
01 Year 9.00% 9.38% 10.00% 10.00%
13 Months 9.50% 9.92% 10.00% 9.96%
14 Months 9.50% 9.92% 10.00% 9.92%
15 Months 9.50% 9.92% 10.30% 10.17%
18 Months 9.50% 9.92% 10.00% 9.77%
02 Years 9.75% 10.20% 11.00% 10.45%
03 Years 9.75% 10.20% 11.00% 9.97%
37 Months 9.75% 10.20% 11.50% 10.34%
04 Years 9.75% 10.20% 11.25% 9.73%
05 Years 10.00% 10.47% 11.75% 9.68%

Senior Citizen Fixed Deposit Rates

Monthly Maturity
Period Rate AER Rate AER
01 Month 7.51% 7.77% 7.51% 7.77%
02 Months 7.27% 7.51% 7.51% 7.75%
03 Months 7.81% 8.10% 8.10% 8.35%
04 Months 7.81% 8.10% 8.10% 8.32%
05 Months 7.81% 8.10% 8.10% 8.29%
06 Months 8.46% 8.80% 8.80% 8.99%
07 Months 8.46% 8.80% 8.80% 8.96%
09 Months 8.46% 8.80% 8.80% 8.90%
01 Year 9.50% 9.92% 10.50% 10.50%
13 Months 10.00% 10.47% 10.50% 10.46%
14 Months 10.00% 10.47% 10.50% 10.41%
15 Months 10.00% 10.47% 10.80% 10.68%
18 Months 10.00% 10.47% 10.50% 10.24%
02 Years 10.25% 10.75% 11.50% 10.91%
03 Years 10.25% 10.75% 11.50% 10.38%
37 Months 10.25% 10.75% 12.00% 10.75%
04 Years 10.25% 10.75% 11.75% 10.11%
05 Years 10.50% 11.02% 12.25% 10.03%

Related FAQs

What is the Eligibility criteria to open a Fixed Deposit?

Any person over the age of 18 years with the NIC/DL can open a fixed deposit at Orient Finance.

What is the minimum amount I should deposit to start the account?

Rs. 5,000

What are the benefits of opening a OF fixed deposit?

- Highest FD rates
- Fast and efficient service

What are the mandatory documents that needs to be submitted?

Completed application, NIC/DL/Passport copies, KYC form & a billing proof document if the current address is different from the address mentioned on the NIC.

Is it possible to open joint accounts?

Yes, you can open joint accounts.

Who will operate the account for joint account?

This will be decided as specified in the mandate. Basically the customer can decide who should operate the account.

How can I open an account if I’m residing out of Sri Lanka?

The relevant scanned documents/applications should be forwarded through e-mail and funds could be transferred to one of our bank account in Sri Lanka. The original documents should be submitted to OFPLC within 7 working days from the date of opening the account.

Will this information be confidential?

Yes, All the transaction related information will be kept confidential under the section of 61 of the Finance business Act No 42 of 2011. Information can be disclosed to authorities by a court of law or in compliance with any other written law.

What are the present rates of interest?

Please click here

What happens if the interest rate changes during the contracted deposit period?

The rates will be remain as per the contact signed between the client and OFPLC.

What are the periods for which deposits are accepted at present?

Please click here

What is the credit rating of the company?

LRA Rating - BB+ Stable

Is it possible to change the nominee?

Yes. All the requests should be given in a written format. A new nomination form should be obtained from OFPLC and filled.

Is it possible to change the nominee of a joint account?

Yes. All the joint holders of the account should nominate the new nominee by written letter.

What will happen if the depositor is dead?

The nominee can submit the below documents and get the fund transferred to his/her account.

- Identification of the Nominee
- Deposit certificate
- Certified copy of the death certificate of the depositor
- Affidavit by the nominee
- Instruction letter from the nominee
- Bank account details

Will I get a certificate when I open a new account?

Yes, OFPLC will issue a certificate with the below details.

- Account No
- Depositor details
- Deposit amount
- Maturity date
- Authorized signatures

Is it possible to get a new FD certificate, if I lose or misplace it?

Yes, It’s possible to obtain a duplicate certificate by submitting the below documents to OFPLC.

- Depositor’s request letter
- An affidavit by a Notary

What are the methods available to deposit cash?

- From a nearest OF branch
- Fund transfer
- Cheque payments
- Bank draft

Is it possible to withdraw my Fixed Deposit before maturity?

Yes. You could withdraw the deposit without a prior notice but with a discounted interest rate. However, you may obtain a loan against your FD.

Who can open a senior citizen account?

Any person over the age of 60 years with the NIC/ DL can open a senior citizen fixed deposit at Orient Finance.

Do you pay monthly interest on deposits?

Yes, interest can be paid monthly or at maturity

How does the renewals work?

The account will be renewed automatically unless the customer request to deposit the amount to a different plan or withdraw.

How can I withdraw the deposit at maturity?

You may withdraw the deposit by surrendering the FD certificate with a request letter to withdraw the deposit at maturity.

Is it possible to obtain a loan against my deposit?

Yes. You may apply for a loan against your deposit ranging from 70% to 90% of the capital value.

What are the documents needed to obtain a loan?

- FD certificate
- Loan application form

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